Sell (Way) More With Witty, Fun Copy.

For brands who want to delight their customers with wit, humor, and personality, Meat & Hair is the newsletter that'll teach you how to write more creatively in just 1 minute a day.

Subscribe now to break all your sales records.

You’ll receive new creative marketing examples daily that’ll help you become an absolute legend.

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I created Meat & Hair to help businesses find their voice, put their personality on the page, and learn to write with substance & style—AKA meat & hair. 🍖💈 Because boring writing doesn’t sell, and in today’s world? You can’t afford to be invisible.”

—Ash Ambirge, Penguin Random House author of THE MIDDLE FINGER PROJECT and founder of the Meat & Hair Creative Writing School for Business

Meat & Hair Creative Writing Newsletter - Write more creatively in just 1 minute a day | Product Hunt

Be Witty, Stylish & Original With Anything You Write

Want to whip heads with your writing? More clever, fascinating, original & fun? Want to add humor, interest, and personality, and write words that titillate the bosoms of nuns? In just one minute a day, you'll ditch the generic marketing speak and begin to write more creatively—even if you don't consider yourself a "writer." (Or a nun.)

“I love the daily permission to be me.” —Subscriber Katie B.

Supercharge Your Creativity, Effortlessly

We curate the world’s most irreverent, creative, and fun-to-read sentences, paragraphs, ads, copy, content, and captions, and send that morning’s favorite straight to your inbox, Monday through Friday—because you can’t salsa dance until you see how it’s done, right? It’s a quick, 1-minute hit of creative inspiration to start your day and put you in the right mindset to write with humor, levity, and style.

“I. Read. Every. Word. Of. Every. Email.” —Subscriber April T.

Get Your Dazzle Back—And Have Fun Writing Again

Whether you write content for your business, write for clients, work in the marketing department, or just want people to LOVE what you write, have fun with your writing instead of viewing it as a chore. By getting our daily dose of inspiration, you’ll start to view the world through a more creative lens. Plus, you'll have the world’s largest collection of what works at your fingertips any time you need to jump-start your creativity, so you’ll never feel like an unoriginal boob again.

"Your newsletter has revived something in me."—Subscriber Nicole L.

If You Want Less Email, You Can Always Hit Snooze

Sometimes it's hard to want to invite (yet another) thing into your inbox. That's why we've set up meticulous snooze and frequency choice options so you have full control over your inbox. You can hit snooze anytime, switch to weekly, or unsubscribe anytime. Because once in a while, we all need a vacation.

“I'm impatiently waiting for the email to arrive every day.” —Subscriber Paula M.

Write More Creatively in Just 1 Minute a Day

Enter your email now to punch up your content by morning. It’s 100% free!

"This newsletter helps me jumpstart my creativity for the day." —Subscriber Sophie H.