The New Happy Newsletters on iPhones

The New Happy Newsletter will help you be happier, achieve your goals, and find your purpose.

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Praise For The New Happy

“The graphics turn complex thoughts into accessible, relatable diagrams that side-step the often unhelpful cliches of self-help messaging to create a lasting impact.”

Print Mag

“Turns research into colorful tools for wellness… taking academic studies and original research and translating them into colorful, bite-sized graphics that are easy to understand but encourage inward reflection.”

Design Milk

“Cuts through the noise with artfully illustrated, scientifically backed visualizations about mindfulness, kindness, and the general mental framing to live a happier life.”

Fast Company

“The New Happy’s posts are filled with positive, uplifting pieces of advice for a happier life… covering topics like
self-compassion, building confidence, finding your strengths, and cultivating gratitude.”

The Everygirl

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A groundbreaking new approach based on a decade’s worth of research and brought to life with beautiful artwork, New Happy shows you the proven path to happiness.

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