Weekly Product Hits.

We curate because we care.

Welcome to “Weekly Product Hits,” our newsletter here at Product Teacher!

We’re not like any of the other product management newsletters out there.

How so? Because we feature perspectives you won’t typically see: female leaders, minority leaders, LGBTQIA+ leaders, and more.

It’s mission critical to make space at the table for diverse and inclusive product people.

When we widen our perspectives together, we craft superior products and unlock positive impact in the world.

Our Newsletter is Always Free. No Fluff. No Filler.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Inclusive product insights.

Join 2,400+ product people and get actionable insights each week from underrepresented product leaders.

    We respect your privacy and we won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Newsletter FAQs

    What kind of content can I expect?

    Every Monday, you’ll get three product essays from a variety of perspectives, with an emphasis on minorities, females, and LGBTQ+.

    As a bonus, you’ll also get a featured essay from Product Teacher every Thursday.

    Is there a subscription fee?

    Nope, the Product Teacher newsletter will always be free.

    How often will I receive the newsletter?

    We’ll send you Weekly Product Hits on Mondays, and Featured Essays on Thursdays!

    That means you’ll get two emails each week.

    Does your newsletter have ads or sponsors?

    No, we purposefully turn down all external sponsors.

    That way, you get unbiased, actionable content each week.

    Who curates the newsletter?

    Clement does! He’s always looking for additional perspectives to feature.

    If you have a suggestion for a new source, please send them in here.

    Can I see some past issues of the newsletter?

    Sure thing! See all of our past issues here.

    Connect with us